
Multi-messenger Athena synergy white paper


The multi-messenger Athena synergy exercise has concluded with the release of the white paper available in ArXiv.

Over the last three years, the synergy team has explored the scientific synergies between some of the key multi-messenger facilities and Athena in the 2030s. These key facilities include the future gravitational waves observatories at the ground, such as LIGO A+ or Advanced Virgo+, and in space with LISA; the neutrino detectors such as IceCube and KM3Net; and the very high energy observatory CTA. The team has also discussed the synergy of Athena with wide-field high-energy facilities, taking the proposed ESA M5 mission THESEUS as a case of study. The addressed scientific synergies compromise pressing themes in astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics.

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